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Stretch marks, or STRETCH MARKS, occur when your skin undergoes rapid stretching or shrinking, presenting distinct colors and textures compared to your normal skin. Ranging from purple to bright pink to light gray, they can appear anywhere on your body, with common areas being the stomach, breasts, upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. It’s essential to note that stretch marks are a common occurrence, and they’re not contagious.

Causes of Stretch Marks:
Rapid Skin Changes: Stretch marks are caused when your skin rapidly stretches or shrinks, it leads to break down in collagen which is responsible for providing structure and strength to support your skin .

Cortisone Hormone: Cortisone is a hormone naturally produced by your adrenal glands. However, having too much of this hormone can make your skin lose its elasticity. We experience this hormones during excessive production, often experienced during pregnancy or significant weight changes, can lead to decreased skin elasticity.

⁠Bleaching Products: Stretch marks can also be triggered by bleaching products that damages the skin elasticity, Research has shown that Corticosteroids can weaken elastin fibers and break down skin collagen .This is why people get stretch marks from using bleaching cream.

Why is Micro-needling Effective on Stretch Marks?
Micro-needling emerges as a minimally invasive treatment to improve the appearance of stretch marks. This procedure involves using microneedles to create micro-wounds, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The result is an enhancement in the color and texture of stretch marks, blending them more seamlessly with the surrounding skin.

Recommended Solution:
If stretch marks are a concern, we recommend trying the Maya Lightening Body Butter. This effective solution is designed to fade the appearance of stretch marks, addressing various forms of skin pigmentation. Embrace the journey to smoother, more even-toned skin with Maya Organics. Simply click here https://www.mymayaorganics.com  to get your hands on your solution.

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